Monday morning started with 3 tests including birds, geology and sights and sounds. Everyone was a bit nervous, but thankfully there are a few jokers in our group that got a few smiles out of us. For the rest of the day, every one relaxed and later it was time for the botany lecture.
The game drives just keep getting better and better. Each time we go we are learning more and more. The trainers teach us about plants, grass, animals as well as the art of tracking. Already, we are becoming one big family working together and learning together. We all helps each other and support each, with good laughs in between. Crazy to think how much we have already done and it is still week 3!!!!! We just have to wait and see how week 4 will go.

The it was time for our fist sleepout. During game drive we were tracking lions and learning more about their behaviour. After game drive, we settled in at camp and prepared for the night ahead.

That night, around 10 pm when everyone went to bed, the first group started with their night watch. Armed with coffee and spotlight, it was quite fun and interesting to see how quick the group worked together as a team. In the early hours of the morning, Caroline spotted the lions close to the camp. We quickly packed up and followed their tracks and successfully found them.

Photo by Caroline Prior
By the end of the week we went on a botany walk to revise all the plants and grasses were we focussing on before writing the upcoming test. After that, most of the students went for a swim and the others went to their rooms to go and study for the test on Monday.
And so, ends another week ends in a flash.
Find out more about Bushwise wildlife courses!
Blog by Christiaan van Ryneveld (featured image by Jack Broadley)