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Beauty in the bush

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” – Helen Keller

Coming from the city to the bush was definitely one of the biggest changes for me, as life in the city is so much different to life in the bush. Although change can be risky and difficult, it can also be beautiful… Very much like being in the bush, it might be scary, risky and difficult at times, but every moment spent in the bush is a beautiful adventure and memory made.

No day is ever the same and every day is as beautiful as ever. In the city it is always so busy that you don’t look at the bigger picture but out here you get to experience and see all the little things up to all the big things. Out here you see things that you never would have seen and things that you never would have thought about seeing whilst living in a city.

We get to see the most amazing sightings like Hyenas with their cubs, Elephants chasing a pride of lions away and a Lion being lazy after a giraffe kill. Even getting up close and personal with elephants that are curios enough to come and investigate the game viewers.

We have had amazing and stressful times during the period of this course so far, but I am very happy to have met everyone on course from the Trainers to my fellow students. There is never a dull moment when it comes to this course as you are always learning new things and constantly trying to figure things out if you don’t know it yet. Gaining knowledge of things and learning about the behaviour behind why the animals do what they do and when they do it. It is a challenge, but it is a challenge that is absolutely worth it.

Campus life is not all studying though… We have all come a long way and we have fun, we make memories together and share in laughs as well. I couldn’t have chosen a better group of people to spend these couple of months with. Who would have thought that getting duties and chores done could be fun (I definitely didn’t think that it could ever have been fun) but somehow washing the vehicles, dishes and taking out the bins are not a problem when you have good people around you – It became another way of bonding, where we laugh and have fun.

As we are starting with Mock assessments this week (which is a very scary thought) we are all a bit stressed out, but with the support from the trainers and everyone on course we will get through it.  It is now time to put everything that we have learnt into play on a 3-hour drive.

I can’t wait to see what happens next. Find out more about Bushwise courses.

Blog done by Lindi Taljaard.

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